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How to take advantage of Valentine's Day to boost your employees' benevolence and kindness

Photo du rédacteur: Mana ÉvénementsMana Événements

Have you ever wondered about the importance of caring in the workplace?

It's an essential factor for a good atmosphere at work, and it can have a big impact on productivity! Here's a fascinating article on the subject.


All too often, we forget that a company's success depends on its team. These days, work rhymes with competitiveness, and it's no bad thing to create a bit of challenge within teams, but it's essential to always remain benevolent.

It's frequently observed in companies that when a job isn't done properly, it's quite common to give someone a hard time. But congratulating someone who deserves it is much rarer.


That's why we're proposing that you take advantage of Valentine's Day to do just that!


Nowadays, Valentine's Day can take many forms. It's a time to celebrate passionate love, but also friendship and love for family and friends. That's why we think it's a good idea to celebrate Valentine's Day at work, to bring a touch of positivity into the workplace! It's a wonderful subject to exploit for your company's internal communications.


In other words, benevolence rhymes with good humor, so make it your strength!


We may not realize it, but getting on well with our work colleagues is essential. It's one of the key factors in choosing a job for the Millennial generation, who attach more importance to the work environment and the meaning of their profession than to their pay.


Creating a bond through little words or touching phrases can sometimes do a world of good. And that's why we think it's so important to promote dialogue by taking advantage of events like Valentine's Day to encourage your teammates with messages full of love and kindness, to give them a boost in their work.


Forget the cliché of roses and chocolates, try to be original, and give gifts that come from the heart.


For Mana Événements, the priority is understanding! We feel it's important to communicate and let people know when a job has been done right. It gives us a sense of satisfaction, and in this day and age, we all need to feel we've earned our due.


What's more, did you know that dopamine is one of our nerve messages used to give us a sense of satisfaction as a reward for certain actions? In short, dopamine is essential to our daily lives, and what better way to create it than with little messages of encouragement?


And Mana Événements has plenty of ideas for you to implement in your company.


The message heart


Take over a space in your company and install a heart into which every employee can slip words of kindness and encouragement to their fellow workers. A bit like the idea of a suggestion box, but now a kindness box. Everyone would have a little envelope tied to their heart, containing their "surprise words". It's a great way to create bonds and understanding through the simple things in life. And above all, a great dose of motivation and good humor is guaranteed both when delivering messages and when receiving them, because it's just as much fun to spread love as it is to receive it!


Fortune cookies


Have you ever heard of Fortune cookies? They're little fortune cookies that you have to break in half before eating, to find a piece of paper with a kind message inside. Why not give your employees a little box of fortune cookies on Valentine's Day, for a day filled with tender messages (and treats, too)?


The "capture" instant


Set up a little "instant capture" corner where employees can take photos of themselves (with special Valentine's Day accessories) in a moment of joy.

Depending on the number of employees in your company, we can install a photo terminal on your premises with instant printing, or provide Polaroid cameras. Everyone can then write a note to the team, which they can then stick in an album or on an expression wall. This little moment would be an opportunity to share, and a way of encouraging signs of recognition within the company. At the same time, this album would leave a trace in the company's history.


Mosaic photo animation


In the same spirit of photo animation, we can offer you a photo mosaic animation. A photo terminal is available to employees throughout the day. They can take photos of themselves, in pairs or teams. The printed photo is stuck on a board in the numbered spot corresponding to the shot. At the end of the day, once all the photos have been taken, the canvas reveals a benevolent message in your company's colors, bearing the faces of those who represent it. A souvenir to keep and display on the premises as a "souvenir decoration".


A moment of exchange


Gather your employees in the same room to play a little game.


The game consists of picking out a piece of paper with a quality written on it, "e.g. courageous/listening/loving...", and then choosing the person or persons in the team who, in our opinion, best represents that quality. The idea is to create an exchange of the qualities you see in each person and to highlight their strengths, without necessarily overdoing it.

This little game should be accompanied by an apéritif for a convivial after work. We advise you to organize it during the week of Valentine's Day but to avoid the big day to avoid the wrath of your employees' partners.


These moments will be an opportunity for you to demonstrate that the company cares about the well-being of its teams.  


So, maybe it's time to bring a little touch of Valentine's Day tenderness to your teams?


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